Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer Destroys Workplace Productivity - Business Insider

The living is easy during the summertime, they say, and apparently that attitude manifests itself at the workplace.

A Captivate Network study of 600 white collar North American workers in 14 major metro areas showed that workplace productivity drops 20 percent during the summer months. The study also found that attendance decreases by 19 percent, projects take 13 percent more time to complete and workers are 45 percent more distracted.

The prospect of leaving early on Fridays don't help matters either, the study reports. An alarming 53 percent of workers who get an early start to the weekend reported a dip in productivity, Captivate reported, and some of those workers saw their stress levels increase because they had to work extra hours from Monday through Thursday to enjoy that early Friday escape.

It seems like no matter what kind of summer hours were being offered, workplace productivity went down at varying degrees. From telecommuting to earlier hours and overall more flexible schedules, it doesn't seem to make a difference. People just don't get as much done during the summer.

The reasons for this productivity drop-off are not at all surprising. Nearly two-thirds of the workers who reported a decrease in productivity socialized with co-workers more during the summer. More than half reported taking extended lunch breaks and 49 percent left earlier a few days a week when the weather got warmer.

NOW SEE: Business Insider Employees Model What You Should (And Shouldn't) Wear To Work In The Summer >


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Online threat ? but police raid wrong house

Imagine you're sitting at home, comfortable on the couch, watching the Food Network, when all of a sudden a heavily armed SWAT team breaks down your door and storms into your living room.

That's what happened to 18-year-old Stephanie Milan, who was watching TV in her family's Evansville, Ind., home last Thursday (June 22), when a team of police officers broke down her storm door ? the front door was already open ? and tossed a flash-bang stun grenade into the room.

"The front door was open," Ira Milan, Stephanie's grandfather and the property owner, told the Evansvile Courier & Press. "To bring a whole SWAT team seems a little excessive."

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Turns out, however, that the SWAT team had the address wrong.

The Courier & Press said the police had been investigating "anonymous and specific online threats made against police and their families on the website," and had obtained a search warrant for the Milan house. An Evansville police officer said one of the threats that came from the Milan household mentioned explosives and said, "Evansville is going to feel the pain."

Whoever made these threats, the Courier & Press said, likely remotely routed them through the Milan's open Wi-Fi connection, which means it could have been used from an outside location. It's possible the Milans, or specifically Stephanie, were targets of "swatting," a particularly nasty prank by which the perpetrator ? often through hoax 911 calls ? tricks a SWAT team into raiding a house of his choosing.

Last July, Parry Aftab, a prominent Internet security advocate, became the victim of such an attack. Police swarmed her northern New Jersey home after pranksters placed a 911 call through a computer that cloned her number and said a man had killed four people and was holding another hostage in her house.

? 2012 SecurityNewsDaily. All rights reserved


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Earth's oldest impact crater found in Greenland

You'd have to go to the moon or Mars to find a bigger impact crater than the one discovered in Greenland.

An asteroid 30 kilometres across smashed into Greenland three billion years ago, creating a crater that was once 25 kilometres deep and 600 kilometres wide.

That dwarfs the oldest known impact crater on Earth, the Vredefort crater in South Africa, both in age and size. The Vredefort is about two billion years old and about 300 kilometres across.

The new find is centred to the east of what is now the town of Maniitsoq on Greenland's western coastline. What remains of the original crater is only about 100 kilometres wide.

This, according to the geologists who discovered the crater, explains why it remained undiscovered until now. Only the deepest parts of the crater survive. All the near-surface and easily recognisable features of the crater have been worn away. "The rocks we see today were about 25 kilometres down when the impact occurred," says Adam Garde of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland in Copenhagen, Denmark, who led the team.

After three years of intensive work, Garde and his colleagues now say they have enough evidence to support their claim.

The most compelling evidence is the presence of granite-like rocks that are crushed, melted and pulverised in a way that can only be explained by a sudden, massive impact. The deformed granite is spread throughout an area measuring 35 by 50 kilometres, centred on the supposed impact site.

Such large-scale deformation of granite could not have happened over such a large area through any known terrestrial geologic process. "You might see something similar in a geologic fault zone, but not in a circle 100 kilometres across," says team member Iain McDonald of Cardiff University.

Also, the quartz deposits in the impact zone have micro-cracks and flaws that are fairly consistent with those found in quartz from known impact sites. When the researchers measured the angles between the cracks and the orientation of each quartz crystal, the patterns broadly matched those of an impact shockwave, not the random patterns formed by known terrestrial processes of tectonic pushing and pulling.

"The patterns conformed to what you would expect from impacts, not from those that happen through terrestrial geology," says McDonald.

Not everyone is completely convinced that the geologists have found an impact crater. "It points towards it being a crater, but frustratingly, I don't know if it will ever be proven," says John Spray, a specialist in impact science at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, Canada, who is familiar with the work. "On the other hand, I don't think anyone can definitively say it isn't a crater."

Nonetheless, Spray is pleased. "I think they've done a great job, and no-one could probably have done more," he says. "Also, it stimulates impact specialists like myself to look for other extremely old impacts ? there are probably multiple impact points on earth, but we don't recognise them."

The claimed impact occurred 2.4 billion years before the Cambrian "explosion" of life 580 million years ago. The asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs was even more recent, occurring 65 million years ago.

When the alleged asteroid struck Greenland, the Earth's only inhabitants were algae and cyanobacteria, so its effects on evolution are unknowable. If it struck today, it would probably wipe out much of life on Earth.

Journal reference: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.04.026

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Bitch Flicks: LGBTQI Week: "A Boy in a Box": Reading Bisexuality in ...

This is a guest review by Amanda Civitello.

N.B.: Throughout this piece, when quoting or discussing characterization, I've used last names to denote the real people, and first names to indicate the characters in the movie, so as to differentiate more readily between fact and fiction.

With Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier wrote of some of the most enduring characters and places in English literature. We open the book and speak the first line with the second Mrs. de Winter, our guide into the mystery and intrigue at Manderley. Much ink has been spilled about du Maurier?s masterpiece but the author herself has been slightly more neglected until quite recently, with several biographies published in the last ten years. In 2007, the BBC turned its attention to du Maurier?s life with a biopic titled Daphne, exploring a brief period in the writer?s life but providing enormous insight into her character. Directed by Clare Beavan, with a screenplay by Amy Jenkins, the film stars Geraldine Somerville, Elizabeth McGovern, and Janet McTeer. The film grapples directly with du Maurier?s sexuality in an effort to show how the major relationships in her life affected her writing process.

Before saying anything further, a word on language is necessary. Du Maurier herself refused to put a label to her sexuality, preferring to describe her passions with men and women both in her own, often poetic metaphors. (Words like ?lesbian,? which du Maurier despised, had a distinctly pejorative sense in her time. For more on the evolving language we use to describe relationships between women, read Lillian Faderman?s excellent Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers, which focuses on the 20th century in particular.) Where possible, I?ve tried to use du Maurier?s euphemisms but have substituted ?bisexual? when using her words would have resulted in sentences too awkward to read.

The film itself is a circular one, opening with the announcement of a death, rewinding seven years, and ending with the same telegram bearing bad news. The intervening years were defined by her two most passionately intense affairs, and bookended by the Rebecca plagiarism trial and the writing of My Cousin Rachel. Daphne?s husband Tom Browning returns from the war, and their awkward reunion is a sad harbinger of a postwar rapprochement that never occurs. Shortly afterwards, Daphne leaves England for America, two youngest children in tow, in order to defend her masterpiece Rebecca against accusations of plagiarism. On the ship, she meets Ellen Doubleday, the wife of her American publisher Nelson Doubleday, and one of the great loves of her life. Daphne falls hard and fast for the beautiful Ellen, and swiftly idealizes her, eventually using her as inspiration for her first play, September Tide. Ellen addresses Daphne?s infatuation directly, telling her gently that she can?t return her affections: not only is she married, but she is decidedly straight.

Back in London, the actress Gertrude Lawrence is cast in September Tide, and ultimately, Daphne begins an affair with Gertrude, until everything falls apart. It?s difficult to offer more of a summary without wholly giving away the film, because this is mostly a film about Daphne?s relationships, and relationships, in movies and in real life, are usually built on small, ordinary nothings. Not much happens in the movie, but that?s okay: the trio of strong actresses at the heart of Daphne delivers compelling performances and they more than carry the narrative to its conclusion. It?s easy to see why Daphne falls for McGovern?s devastatingly beautiful and sophisticated Ellen, and McTeer?s sensitive turn as Gertrude Lawrence breathes life into a character that very easily could have become a caricature.

Quite apart from any aesthetic considerations (relative austerity of sets, for example), the film?s main flaw lies in the narrative decisions made by the screenwriter: instead of telling a story about a bisexual writer, the film ultimately tries to argue that du Maurier only found happiness with women, who in turn inspired her writing. In so privileging the importance of the 'Venetian' (lesbian) relationships in du Maurier's life, the film creates a false image of du Maurier's sexuality. She made it plain that she felt as if she were ?two spirits?, and sought relationships with men and women. Daphne is a missed opportunity to portray a bisexual woman during a pivotal, transitional period between the relative sexual freedom of the 1920s and 1930s and the post-World War II repressive, prudish attitude toward non-heteronormative identities that persists to this day. The film would have been far more interesting had it sought to portray du Maurier's ?boy in a box? more truthfully.

Du Maurier's long marriage is the cost of casting du Maurier as Venetian: Tom Browning's important role in Daphne?s life is marginalized. He hovers in the background without much to do. It's to Andrew Havill's credit that he makes Tom interesting enough to be noticed in a film that is wholly disinclined to address his character's existence. In his one poignant scene with Somerville, they appear to be perfect strangers: all of a sudden, a marriage and attendant domestic relationship appears out of thin air, only to recede as quickly as it came. Du Maurier and Browning, while not necessarily exceedingly happy together, nevertheless maintained their relationship amid affairs on both sides, and cared for each other. In a film with a bisexual protagonist, avoidance of her main heterosexual relationship (especially given that there were others which go unmentioned in the film) doesn't do justice to the fullness of du Maurier's character.

While her marriage to Browning was a constant in du Maurier's life, it is evident from her letters that her relationships with women were passionate and fascinating to her. As such, Ellen Doubleday is a major focus of the film, and a significant problem with Daphne is that it sacrifices the real Ellen Doubleday at the altar of narrative to craft a more dramatic storyline. She's the victim of editorial decisions which paint her as a flirtatious femme fatale who persists in leading Daphne on, only to let her down. After all, a movie needs a heroine and an anti-heroine, if not an outright villain - even one as beautiful and as beguiling as Elizabeth McGovern's Ellen. But there's a degree of responsibility toward the memory of historical characters in a drama that deals with real people and which bills itself as a docudrama or biopic that simply doesn't exist when one is writing about wholly fictional people.

"The Rebecca of Barberrys," wrote Daphne du Maurier to describe Ellen Doubleday, referring at once to Ellen's beauty, magnetism and generosity, as well as the loveliness and orderliness of Barberrys, the Doubledays? country home in Oyster Bay, New York. Why would du Maurier cast Doubleday as Rebecca? Written to Doubleday early in their friendship, while du Maurier was still dazzled by all she saw and imagined Doubleday to be, it's unlikely that she was referring to Rebecca's more unsavory traits. Du Maurier's pronouncement, however, is an eerily accurate description of the portrayal of Ellen Doubleday in Daphne. In du Maurier's novel, Rebecca is never allowed to become a character in her own right. There are competing portraits of Rebecca - as angel, as evil manipulator, as beautiful hostess and paragon of elegance - because the reader never meets Rebecca and only sees her through the eyes of others. Like Ellen in Daphne, Rebecca is only ever however the speaker wishes her to have been.

Amy Jenkins, Daphne?s screenwriter, has no choice but to turn Ellen into Rebecca. The movie creates its own problems by avoiding du Maurier?s sexuality as it does. It must be an all-or-nothing relationship for Daphne because the film hasn?t set her up as bisexual at all, but as a repressed ?Venetian.? She therefore needs to be totally invested in pursuing love with Ellen precisely because her marriage is mostly an inconvenience which the movie addresses as little as possible.

Jenkins weaves extracts from the du Maurier-Doubleday correspondence into the script, with some scenes consisting entirely of exchanges from the letters. It?s to Jenkins?s credit that these quotes blend well with her original material. The source material as credited in the end titles is Margaret Forster?s excellent 1993 biography of Daphne du Maurier, for which she was allowed access to the then-sealed Ellen McCarter Doubleday collection at Princeton University. Small but significant changes to the letters? text and the sequence of events have a profound effect on the viewer?s perception of Ellen Doubleday.

At the climax of the film, Ellen and Daphne are in Florence for a getaway following the death of Nelson Doubleday from a long, protracted, and painful illness. After a bit of a spat, Daphne kisses Ellen, leaving Ellen in floods of tears and feeling ?guilty? at being unable to ?change her hormones? so as to reciprocate Daphne?s affection. ?Guilty! Guilty!? shouts Daphne. ?I?m not another of your acolytes to be indulged, you know. Christ?do you think I have no pride??

At the end of the film, some years after the kiss, Daphne once again attends a party at Barberrys, where she observes Ellen flirting with her new beau. ?So, the lady is for burning after all,? she observes. She follows with a bitter parting shot about what would become My Cousin Rachel: ?I?m writing a new novel. It?s about a widow rather sinister. You never really know whether she?s an angel or a devil. She dies in the end!? and storms off the terrace.

After catching up to her, Ellen tells her, even more unequivocally than before, that ?I don?t want it. I don?t want love with you. You may go to Venice with whomever you please.?

Taken together, these scenes unfairly portray Ellen as a two-timing manipulator, a shameless flirt, patronizingly unconcerned for Daphne?s feelings, who really might be an angel or a devil, particularly when the last line which implies that Ellen doesn?t want Daphne. Indeed, given the wording of Ellen?s first, gently veiled explanation of her feelings (?I can?t love you in that way?), it suddenly seems as if Daphne were the problem all along: it?s not that Ellen doesn?t want Venetian love, but she doesn?t want love with Daphne. Daphne winds up looking desperate and Ellen, cruel.

Most of the lines quoted above were actually written by Doubleday and du Maurier. Doubleday did indeed tell du Maurier she felt guilty ? about her tardy reply to a letter before the trip. Du Maurier did call out Doubleday for her comment about feeling guilty about the letter, without the tart barb about Doubleday?s ?acolytes.? Later on, du Maurier did complain that Doubleday ?was for burning,? but in a private letter, and softened by musings that emphasized that her sarcasm was the result of wanting Doubleday to be something she could not. The bit about Rachel the sinister widow was written to du Maurier?s former teacher. Du Maurier did make it clear that Ellen was, in some respects, the inspiration for Rachel, but she did so in a letter, assuring Ellen that it would remain a secret. Finally, Doubleday did tell du Maurier she could ?go to Venice with whomever you please, with my blessing,? the latter phrase ? excised from the film - taking some of the sting out of Doubleday?s (understandable) frustration that she was still saying the same things, almost ten years after they met.

All this is not to say that Daphne isn?t a worthwhile film. It is: not only for the spectacular shots of the rugged Cornish landscape, but for the way it engages with Daphne?s struggle to articulate her feelings for Ellen, for the way it illustrates her thought process, her desires, and her disappointments. Bringing her letters to life isn?t a bad concept; I simply wish that the film had stayed true to those letters. There?s a compelling story there, but not, I think, the one that some wish it to be. I?d love to see a film that engages directly with the struggles of du Maurier?s ?boy in a box,? but Daphne is not it.

References and further reading

Faderman, Lillian. Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.

Forster, Margaret. Daphne du Maurier: The Secret Life of the Renowned Storyteller. New York: Doubleday, 1993.?


Amanda Civitello is a freelance writer based in Chicago who has most recently written on Tamara de Lempicka?s bisexuality for Autostraddle. She holds an honors degree in art history from Northwestern University and is interested in the ways in which artists use their media to explore issues of identity. You can find her on twitter @amcivitello.?


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With the advent of molecular gastronomy and modernist cooking, sous vide machines have come into vogue. In short, they cook your vacuum-sealed bags of food (meats, vegetables, whatever), in a bath of warm water kept at a constant temperature. The benefit is supposed to be that your food is never overcooked, and always tender. But there are the critics who say the end result isn't thaaaaat amazing (and carries some health hazards if you're not careful). What say you, tech chefs? Is the case for sous vide cooking overstated? More »


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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Property Management Companies and Property Managers - Rentate

Property management companies?and?property managers?of California are providing a purported Eviction Protection Service to?landlords?and?real estate?owners and are collecting fees monthly from them funds to cover this service. These fees, usually ranging between $7 ? $25/month in the cases we have seen, are collected monthly from?landlords?or?real estateowners under the terms of?property management?agreements. In return, if a?tenant?is to be evicted at a future date, thelandlord?or real estate owner would not be charged for the costs of the eviction process.

Essentially, it is like an insurance protection provided by aproperty management company?or?property manager?to landlords and real estate owners against eviction costs. In cases we have seen, the money is treated by?property management companies?or?property managers?as income and disbursed monthly at the time of collection of management fees, even though an eviction has not taken place.

The first question is, ?Are these eviction protection funds trust funds?? Trust funds are defined in the Department of Real Estate Reference Book as follows:

?Trust funds are money or other things of value that are received by a broker or salesperson on behalf of? a principal or any other person, and which are held for the benefit of others in the performance of any act for which a real estate license is required.?

In this case, rents and other property-related collections are received on behalf of a?landlord?or real estate owner and held in the future performance of acts related to the management of property for compensation. If a real estate licensee is managing a property for compensation, these collections are trust funds. As trust funds, these monies must be held in a trust account in the name of the broker or the broker?s dba, and must remain there until utilized on behalf of the owner (in this case, used to cover costs of an eviction). If such expenditures do not come to pass, the funds will need to be refunded to the principal owner from the appropriate trust account(s). As trust funds, these monies must be accounted for in accordance with the Real Estate Law and Commissioner?s Regulations.

The next question is whether these fees are advance fees. An advance fee is defined as:? ?? a fee, regardless of the form, that is claimed, demanded, charged, received, or collected by a licensee for services requiring a license, or for a listing, as that term is defined in Section 10027, before fully completing the service the licensee contracted to perform or represented would be performed. Neither an advance fee nor the services to be performed shall be separated or divided into components for the purpose of avoiding the application of this division.?

We have heard arguments which attempt to say that the fee collected is for the eviction protection service, which is not an act or which a license is required. It is the Department of Real Estate?s position that the fees collected relate to the service of managing the property itself, and the breaking down of this service into components (including the eviction handling component) cannot be done to avoid the advance fee requirements. Therefore, the DRE does consider fees collected for the eviction handling component-as an attendant to?property management- to be an advance fee. A licensee collecting such a fee must handle the funds as trust funds and comply with the advance fee provisions of Business and Professions Code (B&P) Section 10085 (Advance Fee Agreement and Materials) and Commissioner?s Regulations 2970 (Advance Fee Materials) and 2972 (Advance Fee Accountings). Therefore, a licensee must submit the advance fee agreement and solicitation materials to the Department for review prior to their use,and receive a letter stating there is no objection to the use of the materials. The funds must only be expended for the promised services and periodic accountings of the disposition of the advance fees must be provided to the landlord or owner.

To summarize, funds collected by a broker for providing an Eviction Protection Service in the course of managing a property for compensation from a landlord or real estate owner must be handled and accounted for as trust funds. These funds must be held in a trust account in the name of the broker or the broker?s dba, and must remain there until utilized on behalf of the landlord or real estate owner. These funds should not be paid out of the trust account until expended for the purpose of paying the costs of an eviction, or until refunded to the landlord or real estate owner. Advance fee provisions of the Real Estate Law and Commissioner?s Regulations must also be followed.

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    Over the month, retail trade turnover grew by 7.2 per cent | The ...

    Based on the provisional data of Statistics Lithuania, in May 2012, the turnover (VAT excluded) of enterprises engaged in retail trade, except for the wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, amounted to LTL 2230.5 million and, compared to April 2012, grew by 7.2 per cent at constant prices (seasonally adjusted ? by 1.1 per cent). Over the month, the turnover of enterprises trading in food products grew by 4 per cent, of those trading in non-food products ? by 8.8 per cent, of those engaging in retail trade in automotive fuel ? by 11.1 per cent at constant prices.

    In May, the most noticeable increase in retail trade turnover was observed for the retail sale of hardware, paints and glass (22.6?per cent), sports equipment (21.3?per cent), flowers, plants, seeds and fertilisers (12.3 per cent) in specialised stores.

    In May 2012, compared to May 2011, the turnover (VAT excluded) of enterprises engaged in retail trade, except for the wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, ?grew by 5.3 per cent at constant prices (working day adjusted ? by 5.2 per cent). Over the year, the turnover of enterprises trading in food products increased by 3.6 per cent, of those trading in non-food products ? by 9.9 per cent, while the turnover of enterprises engaging in retail trade in automotive fuel decreased by 0.3 per cent at constant prices.

    Over the said period, the most noticeable increase in turnover was observed for retail sale via mail order houses or via the Internet (by 35.5 per cent), specialised stores trading in sports equipment (34.6 per cent) and second-hand goods (24.4 per cent).

    Over the month, the turnover of enterprises engaging in the wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles grew by 5.4 per cent.

    In May 2012, the turnover of enterprises engaged in the wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles amounted to LTL 684.1 million and, compared to April, increased by 5.4 per cent at constant prices. Compared to May 2011, their turnover grew by 1.9 per cent at constant prices.

    Over the month, the turnover of food and beverage service enterprises grew by 12.7 per cent.

    In May 2012, the turnover (VAT excluded) of food and beverage service enterprises amounted to LTL 89.8?million and, compared to April, grew by 12.7 per cent at constant prices. Compared to May 2011, their turnover grew by 9.6 per cent at constant prices.

    Changes in turnover (VAT excluded)
    At constant prices, growth, drop (?), per cent

    Economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) May 2012, compared to January?May 2012, compared to January?May 2011 May 2012, compared to 2005?monthly average
    April 2012 May 2011
    Retail trade, except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles (NACE Rev. 2, Division 47) 7.2 5.3 6.3 7.5
    Retail trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles (retail sale of automotive fuel not included) 6.3 6.7 7.2 7.4
    Retail sale of food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco 4.0 3.6 1.8 ?2.6
    Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 3.9 3.3 1.5 ?3.5
    Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialised stores 4.4 14.1 16.3 53.9
    Retail sale of non-food products 8.8 9.9 13.0 19.3
    Retail sale of textiles, clothing and footwear in specialised stores 1.6 14.6 20.8 2.2 t.
    Retail sale of audio and video equipment, recordings, hardware, paints and glass, electrical household appliances, furniture and lighting equipment in specialised stores 14.2 9.6 16.9 8.5
    Retail sale of information and communication equipment, cultural and recreation goods, watches, jewellery and other new goods in specialised stores 10.4 5.6 4.6 6.6
    Retail sale of pharmaceuticals and medical goods and cosmetics in specialised stores 6.8 8.6 6.0 5.8
    Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores 15.1 24.4 17.1 2.1 t.
    Other retail sale in non-specialised stores 12.4 ?0.9 ?1.1 ?40.8
    Retail sale of automotive fuel 11.1 ?0.3 2.3 7.9
    Retail trade; wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (NACE Rev. 2, Division 45) 5.4 1.9 4.3 78.9
    Food and beverage service activities (NACE Rev. 2, Division 56) 12.7 9.6 18.6 ?4.3

    A press release on changes in retail trade turnover in June 2012 is due on 27 July 2012.

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    Tuesday, June 26, 2012

    Why Might This Russian Politician Be Using Three iPhones At the Same Time? [Wtf]

    Hey, Vladimir Miklushevsky! You governor of the Primorye Territory in Russia, you! Why do you always have three, three?, iPhones with you? What's going on here, Vladimir? Don't you know how to set up multiple mail accounts? More »

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    Banking outage gives tiny glimpse of cybergeddon

    Paul Marks, senior technology correspondent

    Britons have been spitting blood this past weekend after a botched banking software upgrade at the UK's government-owned Royal Bank of Scotland denied hundreds of thousands of people access to banking services. Customers of RBS and its NatWest and Ulster Bank subsidiaries have not been able to check their account balances or make major payments - such as deposits on houses - leaving some homeless.

    While it is not yet clear why the software upgrade failed - or whether it was the fault of an offshored computer facility in India - what is certain is that the episode has given us just a tiny taste of a nightmare scenario long feared by cybersecurity experts who advise western governments: What happens if there is an extended, simultaneous attack on all of the banks?

    I was recently talked through this scenario by a source familiar with international deliberations on cyberdefence. Imagine, the source said, that an attacker manages to disable the communications lines, or routers, linking a nation's banks, ATMs and the point-of-sale debit/credit card terminals in supermarkets and garages. Suddenly, as few of us carry much cash these days, people cannot buy day-to-day essentials like food and fuel. "The big concern is that hurricane Katrina-style riots could break out on a mass scale as people take to looting," the source said.

    Particularly susceptible communications networks have already been identified by some governments and fixes put in place, the source said, patching, for example, vulnerabilities that came to light in the UK national telecommunications network during Tony Blair's time in office.

    However, the arrival of the reprogrammable computer worms Stuxnet, Duqu and Flame now pose a fresh cyber risk. These can attack industrial or financial infrastructure in a step-by-step fashion, overcoming multiple layers of security as they go by wielding different software "payloads" at the right time. Devised initially by US and Israeli intelligence to slow Iran's nuclear programme, these threats got into the wild and now provide attackers with handy cyberattack "construction kits".

    Continued forensic examination of these worms by antivirus firms should find ways to disable attacks based on them. But for how long can an American firm like Symantec, say, continue to reveal threat confounding measures when it is clear that a US intelligence organisation is partly behind the threat? Last week, at the Adaptive and Resilient Complex Systems conference at the Royal Society in London, I asked Patricia Titus, Chief Information Security Officer at Symantec that very question.

    "It's our job - and we will continue to do it until we are told to cease and desist," she said.

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    Monday, June 25, 2012

    Report: Syrian general, dozens of other soldiers defect

    By news services

    ANKARA, Turkey -- Dozens of members of Syria's military defected to Turkey overnight with their families, a Turkish official said Monday, at a time of heightened tensions between the two countries over Syria's downing of a Turkish military plane.

    The state-run Anadolu news agency said 33 soldiers crossed into Turkey overnight and the group ? 224 people in all ? included a general and two colonels.

    A government official, however, said the group included three colonels and there was no general among them. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government rules, did not know the overall number of defectors and the two accounts could not immediately be reconciled.

    The defections come three days after Syria shot down a Turkish aircraft it said had violated its airspace, further fraying relations between the two countries that were once allies.

    Turkey has summoned a NATO meeting for Tuesday to agree a response to the downing of its military reconnaissance jet in what it says was an attack without warning. NATO's founding treaty allows an ally to request consultations whenever it feels its security is threatened.

    Turkey said the plane had unintentionally strayed into Syria's airspace, but was inside international airspace when it was brought down. It has insisted the jet was on a training flight to test Turkey's radar capabilities and was not spying on Syria.

    Turkey seeks NATO action over Syria military jet downing

    Turkey's cabinet was due to meet on Monday to discuss Friday's attack, which lent a more menacing international dimension to the 16-month-old uprising against President Bashar Assad. Britain said it could press for more serious action at the United Nations Security Council.

    Reports are surfacing that Syria may have shot down a Turkish fighter jet over Syrian waters in the Mediterranean Sea. NBC's Richard Engel reports.

    Anadolu said the group of defectors was placed in a refugee camp in Hatay, a province bordering Syria but there was no further information. Turkey is hosting some 33,000 Syrians who have crossed into Turkey to find refuge from the 15-months old violence.

    Thousands of soldiers have abandoned the Syrian regime, but most are low-level conscripts. The Free Syria Army ? the loosely linked group of rebel forces ? is made up largely of defectors.

    Report: Saudis will pay salaries of Syria rebel army

    Defectors affiliated with the Free Syrian Army and based in Turkey are known to collect food and other supplies to deliver to comrades on smuggling routes.

    The government official said another group of some 60 army defectors had also crossed into Turkey recently. ?

    P.J. Crowley, former State Department spokesman, joins Andrea Mitchell Reports to talk about how US and Russia might work together to prevent a civil war in Syria.

    The United Nations has said more than 10,000 people have been killed by government forces, while Syria has said at least 2,600 members of the military and security forces have been killed by what it calls foreign-backed "Islamist terrorists."

    Fierce fighting continued inside Syria, which has a 550-mile border with Turkey, with rebel fighters killing dozens of soldiers in the last few days as they fought against army attacks on towns and villages in central, north and eastern Syria in the last several days, according to opposition sources.

    Reports: West may offer Syria's Assad immunity

    Syrian tanks and artillery shelled the eastern city of Deir al-Zor, killing at least 20 people on Sunday in the second day of heavy bombardment in the country's main oil-producing region, opposition activists said.

    "Regime forces have dismantled their roadblocks from inside of Deir al-Zor after incurring heavy losses from rebels. They have withdrawn from residential areas and are now shelling the city from the outskirts. The victims are mostly civilians," a source at a hospital in Deir al-Zor told Reuters.

    The official state news agency said "terrorists" abducted a state-appointed head of clerics in Deir al-Zor and blew up an oil pipeline passing through the province.

    Syria air force colonel flies to Jordan, gets political asylum

    The Syrian Network for Human Rights, an opposition activists' organization that monitors the crackdown on the 16-month revolt against Assad's rule, said loyalist forces on Sunday killed another 70 people, mostly civilians and soldiers who had tried to defect, elsewhere in the country in shelling, military raids and summary executions in the provinces of Homs, Hama, Idlib, Deraa and suburbs of Damascus.

    The intensification of the fighting has raised fears in Turkey of a flood of refugees and a slide into ethnic and religious warfare that could envelop the region. Ankara, like the West, is torn between a wish to remove Assad and the fear that any armed intervention could unleash uncontrollable forces.

    The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.

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    Protest as Iraq moves to close 44 media outlets

    (AP) ? An Iraqi press freedom group is condemning the government for ordering the closure of 44 news organizations, including a U.S.-funded broadcaster.

    Ziyad al-Aajely, head of the Journalistic Freedoms Observatory, calls the move "a setback to the freedom of journalism in Iraq."

    The Iraqi media commission's Safaa Rabie denies any crackdown, saying Sunday it only seeks to close offices without an operating license. Some foreign media on the list no longer keep news bureaus in Iraq.

    However, one broadcaster targeted for shutdown, U.S.-funded Radio Sawa, says it does have a license. Radio Sawa deputy director Salah Nasrawi says he was surprised to see the station on the list but said it could be a bureaucratic error.

    Critics have accused Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of muzzling the press to consolidate power.

    Associated Press

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    Sunday, June 24, 2012

    Verlander pitches 5-hitter for Tigers

    Associated Press Sports

    updated 3:43 p.m. ET June 24, 2012

    PITTSBURGH (AP) - Justin Verlander pitched a five-hitter Sunday, Quintin Berry hit a two-run shot for his first major league home run and the Detroit Tigers beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 3-2.

    Berry also scored the go-ahead run on Delmon Young's single in the eighth, an inning after Garrett Jones tied it with a two-run homer.

    Five weeks after he took a no-hitter into the ninth against the Pirates in Detroit on May 18, Verlander (8-4) had allowed only two infield hits through six innings Sunday before Pedro Alvarez singled with one out in the seventh. Jones followed by launching a 1-1 changeup into a sliver of seating in right-center.

    Detroit avoided a sweep, winning for only the second time in five games.

    Berry's homer off of Kevin Correia four pitches into the game was his first in 96 career big league at-bats. Austin Jackson singled ahead of Berry.

    Pittsburgh remained one game behind the Cincinnati Reds, who lost to Minnesota, in the NL Central.

    The Tigers matched their run total for the first two games of the series combined before many in the crowd of 35,179 had even settled into their seats. The series drew 111,878 to PNC Park, the fifth-most for a three-game series at the 12-year-old ballpark.

    Pittsburgh had won 16 of its past 20 at home and had already clinched its fifth consecutive series victory at PNC Park with consecutive 4-1 wins Friday and Saturday.

    A sweep appeared out of the question once Verlander was handed a two-run lead. He has won three consecutive starts and kept his pitch count low through six innings Sunday.

    But Jones tied it with his ninth homer and second in four games.

    The tie lasted only a half-inning. Berry walked with one out and stole second. Chris Resop (0-3) intentionally walked Prince Fielder to face Young, who was 1 for 9 in the series until singling in his previous at-bat.

    He singled to right to score Berry.

    Verlander retired all six Pirates batters he faced after that, striking out three to give him seven in the game. He needed 117 pitches to toss his fourth complete game of the season and 18th of his career.

    After allowing the home run two batters into the game, Correia retire 12 of the next 15 and did not allow another runner to advance past second.

    Counting 5 1-3 shutout innings in a win against Minnesota Tuesday, Correia has put together two consecutive strong outings. General manager Neal Huntington said RHP Jeff Karstens will be activated from the disabled list to start a game this week but did not announce whom he would replace in the rotation. Correia has been seen as a possibility.

    NOTES: Pirates manager Clint Hurdle was ejected by home plate umpire Marty Foster for arguing a checked-swing call on 1B Casey McGehee. ... Pittsburgh claimed INF/OF Drew Sutton off waivers from Tampa Bay. He will report to the team later in the week. The Pirates also recalled RHP Bryan Morris before the game and optioned INF Jordy Mercer to Triple-A. ... The Tigers continue their roadtrip with three games in Texas. RHP Rick Porcello (4-5, 4.95) will start Monday and manager Jim Leyland had yet to announce whom he would start Tuesday. LHP Drew Smyly and RHP Jacob Turner are candidates. Smyly is on the disabled list; Turner, a rookie, made his first start of the season on Thursday. ... Pittsburgh begins a four-game series in Philadelphia Monday. The Pirates took two of three from the Phillies at home to open the season.

    ? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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    Mobile Miscellany: week of June 18th, 2012

    Mobile Miscellany week of June 18th, 2012

    Not all mobile news is destined for the front page, but if you're like us and really want to know what's going on, then you've come to the right place. This past week, we learned of the first market outside of China for ZTE's new Grand X smartphone, and received news that both the Sony Xperia U and Xperia P will arrive in Australia. These stories and more await after the break. So buy the ticket and take the ride as we explore the "best of the rest" for this week of June 18th, 2012.

    Continue reading Mobile Miscellany: week of June 18th, 2012

    Mobile Miscellany: week of June 18th, 2012 originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 23 Jun 2012 21:15:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Dismay in S. America as Paraguay leader ousted

    ASUNCION - Paraguay's new president said on Saturday he would ask his impeached predecessor to help quell regional tensions after Argentina withdrew its ambassador in protest at what it said was a coup and Brazil recalled its top diplomat for consultations.

    South American neighbors and key trading partners are taking Paraguay to task for the unprecedented speed with which the opposition-dominated Congress removed President Fernando Lugo on Friday, saying he had failed to fulfill his duties to maintain social harmony.

    A silver-haired leftist and former Roman Catholic bishop, Lugo was a year away from completing his five-year term. He decried the two-day impeachment trial but accepted the decision, stepped down and told supporters any protests should be peaceful.

    Lugo spoke to reporters outside his home on Saturday night, saying he was toppled by a "a congressional coup" and that Paraguay was now facing isolation.

    The new president, Federico Franco, said he planned to speak to Lugo to try to help ease tensions with neighboring countries. "I think he is the key to decompressing (the situation)."

    Franco had been Lugo's vice president but they often clashed and Franco's Liberal Party withdrew its support for Lugo last week, paving the way for the swift impeachment trial.

    "I'm going to speak with him myself," Franco, a 49-year-old doctor, said in an interview with Reuters on Saturday. He was sworn in on Friday shortly after Lugo was ousted.

    The impeachment was sparked by clashes that killed 17 police and peasant farmers during a recent land eviction. Critics of the process complained Lugo's lawyers had only a few hours to defend him in the Senate, which voted 39-4 in favor of his removal.

    A landlocked, soy-exporting country of 6 million people, Paraguay has a long history of instability and military rule.

    Argentina ordered the immediate withdrawal of its ambassador from Paraguay on Saturday due to "rupture of the democratic order."

    Argentine President Cristina Fernandez has called the move a coup and warned that South American trade bloc Mercosur could take measures against Paraguay. In theory, that could include suspension from the group, which also brings together Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.

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    Brazil on Saturday called its ambassador in Paraguay home for consultations. It "condemned" Lugo's removal because he was not able to defend himself properly, "compromising a fundamental pillar of democracy."

    Brazil is Paraguay's top trading partner and Latin America's biggest economy. Its stance will likely carry the most weight but it says it will seek consensus within the UNASUR group of South American nations rather than act unilaterally.

    Wave of criticism
    Latin America's more radical left-wing governments have led the protests with Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba, Nicaragua and Argentina saying they would not recognize the new government and vowing to lobby for sanctions against it.

    Peru and Mexico also questioned the speed of the process to remove Lugo from office, although Mexico recognized the legality of the impeachment.

    Despite the wave of international criticism, Paraguay's capital Asuncion felt oddly normal on Saturday with businesses open as usual and few police officers patrolling the streets a day after they clashed briefly with protesters outside Congress.

    Franco said he would work to convince Argentina to reinstate its ambassador and would explain to other governments in the region that the impeachment was legal.

    "(Lugo) recognized he faced a tribunal, he recognized the tribunal's verdict and finally he agreed to step down. Even more importantly, he asked for people to remain peaceful so no more blood would be shed," Franco said. "At no time was there a rupture or a coup, there was simply a change of leadership in line with the constitution and the country's laws."

    Paraguay is one of the poorest countries in South America and Lugo, now 61, vowed to improve the quality of life of low-income families when his election ended six decades of rule by the Colorado party. But he struggled to push reforms, including land redistribution to poor peasant farmers, through Congress.

    A cancer scare and several paternity scandals dating back to his time as a bishop added to his difficulties.

    While many Latin American countries are unhappy with the lightning-fast impeachment, analysts say they are unlikely to force the issue if Lugo himself doesn't fight to be restored.

    "Neighboring countries can refuse to recognize the new government, complicate negotiations or end cooperation. But I don't think they will fight for this very hard," said Milda Rivarola, a Paraguayan historian and political analyst.

    (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at:

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