Wednesday, July 4, 2012

U.S. Troops Celebrates Independence Day

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

... you use tricks of foreign tour to celebrate the country that is ... the soldiers in Afghan distilled mold the fourth of July with all the bad the dish huge take me to the cause of the very ... night ... the US to motivate it forces you to have instilled said his country was a symbol of freedom ... one of the day to celebrate ... the trial ... of an idea ... freedom will prevail ... in the face of adversity ... we celebrated the birth of the nation ... but the person ... serve as a symbol of freedom ... and an inspiration for those ... seeking to overcome oppression ... U S troops to the Australian home in case the ball he said the judges will go ... through the heaps of cool ... the soldiers stationed in the northern Tara tree is called to the recent agreement with the Israeli government to position to an old thousand or even the basic going ... independence day commemorates the signing of the US to cure ration of independence in seventeen seventy five which contained the thirteen American colonies free and independent States ... sun Herald ... which is ... I ...


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